Xtext HOWTOs

Here, we collect short snippets to solve common problems.

Define a named object

Use the special attribute "name" in combination with default scope providers.

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID

Define an optional attribute

Use "(...)?". Note: * Some types, like INT or enums have default values (like 0 for INTs) and, thus, an unset value cannot be distinguished from, e.g., the value 0. * Using helper objects (like "Other" in the example below) helps to detect unset optional values, since the object is "null", if not set.

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID (option_int=INT)?  (option_obj=Other)?;
Other: 'other' val=INT;

Define a boolean flag based on the presence of a keyword

See Xtext documentation:

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID (option_flag?='flag_keyword')?

Define an enum

See Xtext docu. Note: The first enum value is the default value.

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID '=' value=MyEnum;
enum MyEnum: val1='VAL1'|val2='VAL2'|val3='VAL3';

Force the creation of an object when no attributes are defined

Object without attributes are not instantiated as objects in the model representation. This can also happen, when all attributes are optional and not set in a concrete model (in this case you get a warning in your grammar). Use "{Rule-name}" to force instantiation.

MyObj: {MyObj} 'myobj' (value=MyVal)?;
MyVal: text=STING;

Define an attribute containing a list

Model: things+=Thing*;
Thing: 'thing' name=ID;

Add one element to a list

Model: things+=Thing;
Thing: 'thing' name=ID;

Define a comma separated list

Model: things+=Thing (',' things+=Thing)*;
Thing: 'thing' name=ID;

Define an element to represent either a signed int or a float

Example grammar snippet defining a 'myobj' containing a name and either a float or an integer value:

import "http://www.eclipse.org/emf/2002/Ecore" as ecore
MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID '=' (value=MyVal)?;
MyVal: MyInt|MyFloat;
MyInt: ivalue=MYINT_T;
MyFloat: fvalue=MYFLOAT_T;
terminal MYINT_T returns ecore::EInt: '-'?INT;
terminal MYFLOAT_T returns ecore::EFloat: '-'?INT'.'INT;

With the test illustrating the types (int/float):

@Inject extension
ParseHelper<Model> parseHelper
@Inject extension
ValidationTestHelper testHelper;
def void testFloatInt() {
    val result = '''
    myobj pi=3.1415
    myobj N=4

    assertTrue( result.objs.head.value instanceof MyFloat )
    val f = (result.objs.head.value as MyFloat).fvalue
    assertEquals(  3.1415, f, 1e-4 )

    assertTrue( result.objs.last.value instanceof MyInt )
    val i = (result.objs.last.value as MyInt).ivalue
    assertEquals(  4, i )

Allow keywords as name of elements

Problem: keywords (like 'myobj' or 'ref' in the example below) are not classified as "ID" by the lexer. Thus, they cannot be used as ID (the default lexer token for references).

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID 
Ref: 'ref' [MyObj]; // same as [MyObj|ID]

Solution: see https://blogs.itemis.com/en/xtext-hint-identifiers-conflicting-with-keywords for more details. Define a VALID_ID, including the desired keywords to be allowed as name:

MyObj: 'myobj' name=ID 
Ref: 'ref' [MyObj|VALID_ID];
VALID_ID: ID|'ref'|'myobj'

Define a list of objects with the same base type


struct Simple {
    scalar x
    array y[10]
    scalar z

With grammar:

Struct: 'struct' name=ID '{' attrs+=Attribute+ '}';
Attribute: ScalarAttribute|ArrayAttribute;
ScalarAttribute: 'scalar' name=ID;
ArrayAttribute: 'array' name=ID '[' dim=INT ']';

Allow to model a mix of objects of unrelated type

Example (same as in last example):

struct Simple {
    scalar x
    array y[10]
    scalar z

With grammar:

Struct: 'struct' name=ID '{' 
    (s+=ScalarAttribute | a+=ArrayAttribute)* 
ScalarAttribute: 'scalar' name=ID;
ArrayAttribute: 'array' name=ID '[' dim=INT ']';

Define multiline string attributes

You can use the "->" feature for terminals. You need to strip the leading and trailing '"""' when accessing the multiline string (e.g., with a xtend extension method).

Grammar snippet:

MultlineInfo: 'info' text=MLTEXT;
terminal MLTEXT: '"""' -> '"""';

Xtend code snippet and test:

static def getMltext(MultlineInfo info) {

def void testMlInfo() {
    val result = '''
    info """Hello World"""
    info """Hello Multiline
    assertEquals( '"""Hello World"""', result.infos.head.text )
    assertEquals( "Hello World", result.infos.head.mltext )
    assertEquals( "Hello Multiline\nWorld", result.infos.last.mltext )

Filter a list based on a type


Filter a list based on an attribute value


Transform a list

resource.allContents.filter(Entity).map[e|'the name is '+e.name]

Concatenate two lists

// list1 and list2 are of type java.util.List<...>