Xtext and Eclipse

Xtext is integrated in Eclipse. To run this tutorial (using Xtext) you need to install Eclipse with the appropriate plugins.

Note: The parser "Antlr" is not distributed with eclipse. You need to install it manually (itemis update site), else it will be downloaded for every Xtext project you create.

Download and install

Download the package "Eclipse Modeling". Unpack the archive to make eclipse available.

root@xtext:~/Download# ls
root@xtext:~/Download# tar xzf eclipse-modeling-xxx-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz
root@xtext:~/Download# mv eclipse /opt/
root@xtext:~/Download# /opt/eclipse/eclipse &

To complete the installation you need "Install New Software" from the "Help" menu entry.

  • Enter the URL of the itemis update site (see above) in the field "work with" and press enter.
  • Then select "Xtext" and "Xtext Antlr" and install the selected software.