TextX Project Setup
We give a guide to create a simple command line tool to load and validate a model and to generate some artifact.
In this example, we propose different models for the meta model structure (grammar), the scoping, and the artifact generation. Moreover, a main and a setup script are added to control the software.
For this example we use Python 3. You need to install
- TextX (see references).
- Arpeggio (see TextX in references)
- pytest (for unittests)
Using pip you can:
pip3 install --upgrade textx arpeggio pytest
File structure
Although everything can be packed within one file (see "TextX Intro"), the code is better structured into different modules with individual responsibilities into different files.
├── setup.py ├── simple_dsl │ ├── codegen.py │ ├── console │ │ ├── __init__.py │ │ └── validate.py │ ├── __init__.py │ ├── metamodel.py │ └── validation.py └── tests ├── models │ ├── model_not_ok.dsl │ └── model_ok.dsl └── test_validation.py
We have chosen a distribution as follows:
- setup.py is the standard python project configuration
- simple_dsl contain all dsl related logic:
- codegen.py: code generation.
- metamodel.py: the meta model (grammar, scoping and validation config; the user classes are also stored here but could be moved elsewhere for more complex projects.
- validation.py: validation logic.
- console/*.py: console programs (configured in setup.py).
- __init__.py represent module entry points.
- tests contains unittests.
File: metamodel.py
Here, we define the grammar. We allocate the scope providers to individual elements, and register validation code.
from textx import metamodel_from_str from textx.scoping.providers import RelativeName, FQN import simple_dsl.validation as validation def get_metamodel(): # GRAMMAR # (you also use metamodel_from_file with a *.tx file) meta_model = metamodel_from_str(''' Model: aspects+=Aspect scenarios+=Scenario testcases+=Testcase; Scenario: 'SCENARIO' name=ID 'BEGIN' configs+=Config 'END'; Config: 'CONFIG' name=ID 'HAS' '(' haves*=[Aspect] ')'; Aspect: 'ASPECT' name=ID; Testcase: 'TESTCASE' name=ID 'BEGIN' 'USES' scenario=[Scenario] 'WITH' config=[Config] 'NEEDS' '(' needs*=[Aspect] ')' 'END'; Comment: /\/\/.*/; ''') # SCOPING meta_model.register_scope_providers({ '*.*': FQN(), 'Testcase.config': RelativeName('scenario.configs') }) # ADD VALIDATION meta_model.register_obj_processors({ 'Testcase': validation.check_testcase }) return meta_model
File: validation.py
This file contains validation functions registered in the meta model.
from textx.exceptions import TextXError from textx.scoping.tools import get_location def check_testcase(testcase): """ checks that the config used by the testcase fulfills its needs """ for need in testcase.needs: if need not in testcase.config.haves: raise (TextXError("{}: {} not found in {}.{}".format( testcase.name, need.name, testcase.scenario.name, testcase.config.name ), **get_location(testcase) # unpack location info ))
File: tests/test_validation.py
This file is a unittest using the metamodel (exposed via __init__.py) and checks the correct functionality of the validation code.
from pytest import raises from simple_dsl import get_metamodel from os.path import dirname, join from textx import get_children_of_type def test_validation_ok(): mm = get_metamodel() m = mm.model_from_file(join(dirname(__file__), 'models', 'model_ok.dsl')) assert 2==len(get_children_of_type('Aspect',m)) def test_validation_not_ok(): mm = get_metamodel() with raises(Exception, match=r'NetworkTraffic.*not found.*S001.*NoNetworkTraffic'): _ = mm.model_from_file(join(dirname(__file__), 'models', 'model_not_ok.dsl'))
The two model files used in this tests are shown in the following subsections.
Model: tests/models/model_ok.dsl
ASPECT NetworkTraffic ASPECT FileAccess SCENARIO S001 BEGIN CONFIG HeavyNetworkTraffic HAS (NetworkTraffic) CONFIG NoNetworkTraffic HAS () END SCENARIO S002 BEGIN CONFIG WithFileAccess HAS (NetworkTraffic FileAccess) CONFIG NoFileAccess HAS (NetworkTraffic) END TESTCASE T001 BEGIN USES S001 WITH HeavyNetworkTraffic NEEDS (NetworkTraffic) END TESTCASE T002 BEGIN USES S001 WITH NoNetworkTraffic // Error //USES S002 WITH NoFileAccess NEEDS (NetworkTraffic) END
Model: tests/models/model_not_ok.dsl
ASPECT NetworkTraffic ASPECT FileAccess SCENARIO S001 BEGIN CONFIG HeavyNetworkTraffic HAS (NetworkTraffic) CONFIG NoNetworkTraffic HAS () END SCENARIO S002 BEGIN CONFIG WithFileAccess HAS (NetworkTraffic FileAccess) CONFIG NoFileAccess HAS (NetworkTraffic) END TESTCASE T001 BEGIN USES S001 WITH HeavyNetworkTraffic NEEDS (NetworkTraffic) END TESTCASE T002 BEGIN //USES S001 WITH NoNetworkTraffic // Error USES S002 WITH NoFileAccess NEEDS (NetworkTraffic) END
Edit, Run and Test
Use an appropriate IDE (e.g., PyCharm) to run the tests and, thus, test and debug your new language.
Install/Uninstall the Language
After all tests passed you can try to install your language. Do not forget to adapt setup.py:
from setuptools import setup,find_packages setup(name='simple_dsl', version='0.1', description='a simple model validator and artifact compiler', url='', author='YOUR NAME', author_email='YOUR.NAME@ADDRESS', license='TODO', packages=find_packages(), package_data={'': ['*.tx', '*.template', 'support_*_code/**/*']}, install_requires=["textx","arpeggio"], tests_require=[ 'pytest', ], keywords="parser meta-language meta-model language DSL", entry_points={ 'console_scripts': [ 'simple_dsl_validate=simple_dsl.console.validate:validate', ] }, ) # to play around without installing: do "export PYTHONPATH=."
The registered console command (validate.py) contains:
import argparse from simple_dsl import get_metamodel def validate(): mm = get_metamodel() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='validate simple_dsl files.') parser.add_argument('model_files', metavar='model_files', type=str, nargs='+', help='model filenames') args = parser.parse_args() for filename in args.model_files: try: print('validating {}'.format(filename)) _ = mm.model_from_file(filename) except BaseException as e: print(' WARNING/ERROR: {}'.format(e)) if __name__=='__main__': validate()
Install the software permanently for all users (change directory to the folder with the setup.py file):
sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade .
You can now start the new commands defined in the setup.py:
simple_dsl_validate --help
Uninstall the software:
sudo -H pip3 uninstall simple_dsl