Create Anaglyph (GIMP Plugin)

This page describes the architecture of the software.

It helps modifying and maintaining the software. It also demonstrates how to combine numpy (or scipy) with gimp (


Create a tool to generate anaglyphs from (scanned) flat images arranged in depth.


The selected solution has the following constraints: Plugins must be written in python or scheme.


The context of the plugin is gimp (who owns/calls the plugin) and additional required libraries for signal/image processing.


  • Real 3D renderer (blender, povray) were considered to be too complex to use for this task.
  • A gimp plugin seemed to be a possible solution.
    • It allows easy composition of scanned images.
    • It also allows to scan and pre process the images.

Building Block View

The context of the plugin is gimp (who owns/calls the plugin) and additional required libraries. The plugin itself is organized as follows:

Runtime View

Here we sketch the activities executed by the plugin ( The colors match the components corresponding to the described modules above.

Deployment View:

(see Installation)


  • Data is converted from the gimp format to numpy and back.
  • Algorithms process on numpy arrays.